Quote Originally Posted by rthiele View Post
Agree on the FIA standards (or lack thereof) at the Glen, Jake. NY city region is pulling from Boston, Philly, Washington etc. - ideal location.Certainly F1 is about glamor, but primarily it is primarily about markets. The biggest (car and other) markets in the US are on the East coast and in California. What a surprise now I read the first articles speculate about possibly having three races in the US in the future (that was the case in the past). If that materializes (has to compete with Asian markets and to a lesser extend South Africa), CA is next.
Not just markets or size of markets, but demographics too. And the F1 desired demographics are a glamour bunch!

Yes Austin wouldn't have been my first choice if I were Bernie. But, considering how hard it is to get anything racey happening in the US, I can see why they elected to go that way. (other than NASCAR).
I DO wonder, with Austin essentially at a standstill construction-wise, and the rumoured changes in leadership down there, if the race might just 'get cancelled" now that NY is supposedly online.

OF course, I have my doubts the neither will actually happen.
I still want to see the math. Whos paying who???