Quote Originally Posted by StephenB View Post
Great website! Well organized along with a well organized Championship! I think it captures what we have been missing. I would love to run for it but to be honest the travel is extensive from NH. If I can do it I certainly will! Time will tell


Thanks for putting together a great series!
Kirk is the website architect and I agree - he does good work!

We recognize that travel will be an issue for some participants, so that's why we made it possible to compete with as few as three weekends - one relatively local Elective event, the IT-Fest, and the ARRC by GRM. Yes, it will take additional planning for some folks, but the two "mandatory" events are well-spaced on the calendar and there should be at least one Elective event in your proximity. Granted running multiple Elective events improves your chances of winning, but you still only count your best one.

And if you can't make it in 2012 we certainly plan for this to continue (and grow) beyond next season.

Lots of folks contributed to this, so for all of them I'll say, "You're welcome."