Quote Originally Posted by yannisalex2000 View Post
My concern is about the future of the class at WDCR.
Then your solution is quite straightforward: stop bitching that the region is not providing to you other people that are not in your class to "race" with, and spend that effort campaigning among all those Big Fish (tm) to come out and play with you. It's not other people's responsibility to provide playmates for you, it's your responsibility to go out and bring them in.

Otherwise, you're just a big fish completely out of water...

And I'm not talking out of my ass here; I'm involved in a class that's brandy-new just this year, and I'm spending a lot of time at the track campaigning to get a lot of double-dippers in it, a lot of time off the track as a member of the advisory committee to make the class more attractive to others, and a lot of time advising other people on building cars specifically for the class. Yet, it looks like next weekend I'll be doing a solo effort in my class at WGI. You know, them's the breaks! If my class makes it, great; if not then I move on to something else.

And that's life. And baseball.