I was on the phone with a friend of mine this afternoon (another long time SEDIV member) discussing the possibility of he and I doing the Sunday afternoon Enduro race (ITB class) at this event. I was originally planning to enter my car in both of the SARRC races until we noticed the race groupings. Which we both found puzzling.

The IT classed cars are in group 5, of 6 groups, with the Sunday (group 8) enduro scheduled to start directly after the group 6 race.
This would make it very difficult for any of the IT cars that might happen to run in the Sunday afternoon SAARC race, roughly 30 minutes to make any adjustments, bleed brakes or change tires prior to the start of the enduro… Not only that but if anyone happens to be running in SSB they’d be completely out of luck since they are in group 6!

However, if you happen to be fortunate enough to finish in the top four in your class! Then you get to go to impound (which is a good thing, not complaining) and either do any and all work you might need to get done there... Or wait to be released from impound and do any necessary work in your paddock. Fat chance of having the time then.

I realize that it’s necessary to try to organize the schedule to give everyone the best chance to get in what events they want to run in. But I really don’t understand this schedule. Looks like it would work out great for anyone running in SM though (group 2).

Now we’re considering doing just the Monday SAARC and the Sunday enduro (co-driver can’t make it there Saturday).