Quote Originally Posted by gran racing View Post
Then a TON of people will need (or at least feel so) to get wider rims. I'd probably run the same tire size as I do now, Hoosier 225s, but certainly would benefit from using a 7", maybe 7.5", maybe... Not saying it won't happen in the future, but right now I do not see a supply issue for ITB & ITC cars sourcing 6" wide rims.
For those of us (currently) locked into 15" wheels, there may not be a "lack" of availability, but the cost is significantly higher.

My proposed rule change (over a year ago) was simple- allow those running 15" wheels in ITB to use a 6.5" wide wheel. These are available everywhere in almost any configuration for very little money. Many take issue with the idea that those who already own things having to buy new- but what about when they can buy 3 sets of wheels in the new size for less than what it would cost me for one set of the current? Also, limiting the wider width to only 15" cuts down on the number of people affected, and also negates some of the advantage of running the smaller OD tire/wheel combo. Want, or have to have, the big wheels? Here's a tiny bit of width. Decide to run the smaller ones? Stick with 6". I left out ITC since it is a "slower" class, and also only the Beetles (old and new) are stuck with 15" (or 16).

Granted, if downsizing is allowed, that negates the cost issue for me, and I will stick with 6"...