
Crucial Motorsports Group is planning to return to defend our Spec Miata 1st Place of last year. We also will bring our Spec E-36 ITR BMW. This is a great race at a great venue. Along with our cars, we will have available our famous "Glow Boards" and on-site tech support for your numbers to be seen in the dark.Check us out on-line at www.crucialmotorsportsgroup.com for contact information to order your boards or rent some quality seat time. Or call Aaron Nash at 904-652-9732.
Great ... we're looking forward to having you back at The Devil

It would be good if you could post the information about your Glow Boards on the event web site ( www.TheDevilintheDark.com ) to that all of our competitors can be aware of your product.

See ya at the races
