Sorry Quadzjr,

I didn't mean to sound as though I was counting your statement as wrong. My experiences (some) are with older English sports cars that used Accusump, that had poor oil pressure control in the corners. Ergo, the Accusump was active, and was constantly moving oil, and was warm/hot to the touch during the event. This harks back to the friend mentioned above.

If you have a cool unit (lucky guy), it shows, as you said, that it is not moving oil to any degree. Reasonable pan design.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm old, and have played with some really inefficient automotive designs that started life as tractors (BMC), or commercial water pumps (Saab).

Again, no insult intended.


Could I suggest that you also evaluate the air exit from the cooler? Soimetimes they are overlooked.

Good racing,
