Quote Originally Posted by Chip42 View Post
*snip* My in-process MR2 will never see an ITB sticker now, and I can't tell you how happy that makes me.
Queue black helicopters....
Are we not perhaps missing the forest for the trees?
Did the powers that be 'kinda' make IT osbolete in one swoop?
What's the point of running IT, if you now bascially have every car classed in STO, STU, and STL? rin it nationally, run it regionally, kill IT?

To be fair: I skipped over the STL rules, as I have no interest in running nationally and am building a no rules car at this point. I'll class it whereever it ends up, with whatever organization I feel like running with. (It currently would be an SFR ITE car, or a NASA ST2/SU car.

Marcus, who is just thinking out loud instead of working.