Sending vote that Greg Amy gets to review all rule changes before submittal. No really... why the fore aft blah blah blah language? It can't move... period.
Also, I feel like I have to hop from forum to forum so I don't miss anything. Can we not combine the sandbox and this place? Don't be afraid of it over there guys, yeah there are some meanies and bullies and a few who just like to piss in everybodies cornflakes just for fun but for christmas sake... two sepparate discussions every time.
So anyhow.... WHAT about tranny and diff mounts???
an mount is a mount is a mount. either let us have em or don't
And of alternate design? as in I can run big giant steel tubes between all of them and stiffen my chassis? I know I know, can not perform an illegal function but Greg Amy this thing. Remember the George R. edict (or whatever it is) if it says you can... you bloody well can! alternate material yeah sure, alternate design? how would I need to redesign the damn thing to make it work?