As I posted in the other thread also look at diff type steels may be a lot better about cracking and therefore lasting longer? In additiond there may be better thermal propties to some other types of steels. The OEMs were built to be cheap not for max performance. There may some solid benifits to the relpacing the stock liners. Then there is the weight situation if a stronger material is thinner or lighter (some of the high nodulars steels/stainless?)agan more weight loss would be a better thing yes?? So if they cost 250ea but were say 1-2lbs lighter lasted twice as long and cooled better the cost does not look so bad. Seem to me somone has access to some engineers/brake spicalists who might have some ideas about types of materials to look into. Like Paul said if there is enought intrest the tooling cost would come down and if you happen to come up with a "hot" part I bet there will be a market for it. That all being said you better make sure the powers that be are ok with "refurbished" drums at all. no point in doing all this if they say no go.