Quote Originally Posted by tnord View Post
it's been brought up many times before that there are certain cars that the process fails. Honda S2000, Mazda RX8, most any Porsche derivative, 1st gen RX7 as putting the cars at uncompetitive weights. .
Just to clarify,
S2000 -we just don't know. The class is very young, and people think that they aren['t willing to gamble on that car. But it hasn't proven to have failed that car. And lets not trot out the "nobody is building one, therefore it fails" argument. Nobody is building 75% of the cars listed! Yet.

Mazda RX-8. Tough case, when Mazda lies about the stock power. If we have hard data, we might take a closer look, can't say for sure, but there hasn't been a solid case made for the car yet.

A 968 is doing very well in ITR in the NE, and he has yet to pre the car all the way.

1st gen RX-7 is known to be a bit heavy in ITA, but there's no sense setting it 'right' in ITB, as the car is raced happily in IT-7. The solution came too late for that car. In that sense the process fails it, but it could be rectified. But the 'fix' is worse than the existing situation. (A move to B, and the attendant swap to 6" rims)