Quote Originally Posted by tnord View Post
If A then B.
If B then C.

what causes C? B, or A?
A = [Whatever change in IT]
B = Increased competitiveness
C = Increased costs to run up front

You are clearly of the opinion that C is bad but you predicate the cause-effect action that gets us there on the awful mediating outcome of greater competitiveness. IT'S RACING for Pete's sake! It's SUPPOSED to be competitive. Shouldn't the Club be trying to improve the competitiveness of its racing categories...??

SO, Spec Miata got expensive to run up front because it was SUCCESSFUL.

You want to argue the logic of the deal, argue the WHOLE logic. Don't jump to the awful conclusion with scare tactics about ruining the category. It's intellectually dishonest and you're smarter than that, Travis.

I wish that this thinking were actually rare but evidence suggests that there are a lot of others out there who are more concerned about their individual competitive positions than the health and viability of the category. I've understood that for ages but being reminded of it so vividly in the middle of all of the other silliness is just one more reason to say WTF.