Quote Originally Posted by Greg Amy View Post
One writes an email to the CRB to request a rule change. Chuck (apparently) did so, and his rule change request was denied. What the "opinion" of the CRB (or any one particular CRB member) is vis-a-vis the rule application/interpretation is wholly irrelevant.

If Chuck's intent was to get a clarification of an existing rule or a request to interpret a rule a specific way, then Chuck should have used the GCR 8.1.4 process. He did not.

Ergo, nothing (zero, zilch, nada) has changed vis-a-vis the rules regarding wideband O2 sensors, regardless of what one may have read in this month's Fastrack.

Thank you master. I walked away from my computer troubled by my "is it binding?" comment, and came back to write essentially what Greg wrote. Wouldn't have done it nearly as eloquently, though.