Quote Originally Posted by JLawton View Post
No, that's not how we "normally" do it in the NARRC series gor qualifying but we have a few times. I was told by a MARRS guy that is how they do it at Summit????
Jeff - yes, that's how they're doing it at Summit (starting this year), with the one difference that the best lap time from either Saturday session is used to set the grid for Sunday. The reason I brought it up was that Andy mentioned he had to start at the back because of a DNF in the Saturday race. But if they had been using the MARRS format he would have still been gridded according to his Saturday morning time, which I'm assuming would have put him much closer to the front. I think most of the MARRS drivers have found the new format to be much more interesting than the old one, which was 2 qualifying sessions on Saturday and a Sunday sprint race.