Pit transit times are listed in the rules on the SEDIVECR site:


There are four (4) pages of ECR rules and if you intend to race ECR you should print them out, READ them and keep them with you. Pit transit times are a part of the ECR rules and as such would not be included in the supps, but if you registered, the supps are included in the registration forms and you ABSOLUTELY should have a copy and READ them.

I am the ECR Chief Steward(South) and I normally have a drivers meeting, and I know Dave does the same in the North and one of the things we both cover is the pit transit time, so if you are racing ECR you should attend the drivers meeting also, beyond that I am always available to answer questions.

The long and the short of it is that there is no lack of information available if you are really interested in finding it. There are no major changes to the 2009 rules package and there are no registration fees, the Regions pay a small fee per car that is included in the event registration fee.

My e-mail is avaiable on the ECR web site and I am on this forum on a fairly regular basis, I will be happy to answer any questions I can and find answers to those I cant.

Krys Dean