Just to get on my soapbox for a moment or two..............................................

STU is a much better fit speedwise with the SM/SS/T2/T3 groups than mixing it up with GT1 and GT2 cars in equal states of prep. I was a little shocked when I saw the initial groupings on the MIDIV site but they are what they are. I know there will be a few kinks to work out in this experiment and I do not mind being part of it. I know my request may get shot down and if so, I at least asked instead of bitched about it. I'll be there no matter what group I have to run with! Thanks to race chairman and volunteers like Bryon I'll have a place to play.

And there is a small possibility I may double-double dip by running a yet to be named car in the IT group! May as well get all my licensing requirements done in a single weekend.