It is the goal of the Atlanta Region SCCA to provide our customers with the best racing product possible for the price paid. To the end we would like some feedback from you on our ProIT series to guage what needs to be tweaked or left alone.

  1. Why do or don't you race ProIT?
  2. How do you feel about the class combinations? (ie, ITR/ITU, ITB/ITC, ITA/IT7)
  3. What class will you race next year in ProIT?
  4. Should STU be included next year?
  5. Will there be any additional ITR/ITU cars next year?
  6. Would more IT7 car participate if it were separated from ITA?
  7. Are we missing something?
As you can tell from that last question we are very interested in hearing any comments you may have on the series and wish to improve it if possible. Thanks for any input you can give.