Quote Originally Posted by Greg Amy View Post
So, effectively, make it a percentage of classified weight instead of a fixed number? That would address it better, though I think you'd want a "weighted formula" to also take into account power.

Alternatively, if you choose to base it on one factor, do it as a percentage of power instead of weight. Power has more of an effect on FWD front tire longevity and corner exit speed than weight alone. Ain't sayin' weight DOESN'T, just not as much as power.

The real limiting factor for lap times in FWD is "can you put that power down through the course of the race?"
Man, you guys like to get complicated.

Let me remind you that all cars in a given class have roughly equivalent power-to-weight ratios. So an adder based on power vs. an adder based on weight is likely to result in basically the same answer for all cars in the same class.

So can't we just use a fixed number and make life simpler? Oh wait ... we already do!