Actually, brake ciruicitry "may be revised." In other words, my belief (and others concur) is that you have to use the stock calipers and the stock master cylinder, but pretty much anything in between is free. So, yes, even on your car you could affect line pressure and bias by putting an adjustable valve in each line to adjust the front bias down, and the rear up.

Quote Originally Posted by Tristan Smith View Post
Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but bias only works if you can change the relationship between the amount of pressure going to either the front of rear brakes. Since bias is built into the master cylinder you really can't change that unless you re-plumb a significant amount of your braking system, which I don't think would be allowed in the rules.

Jam, I would say go back to a stock master cylinder. I run the standard MC and ABS calipers and rotors and don't have problems locking up the fronts unless driver error is involved.