Quote Originally Posted by Knestis View Post
>> .....

No - you aren't wrong. It's WAY too slippery a slope to start doing that kind of thing.

And it would be nice if y'all wouldn't presume that the ITAC is as dismissive as "go run Production" sounds. It's not an easy thing to accommodate what we think - and we hear from the membership - the category needs in the long term to be healthy, particularly when we have to upset individual members by not giving what is clearly best for them personally.

No intent on my part to be dissmissive at all. I was wondering out loud if a weight penalty might allow a change. I agree, it is a slippery slope as I indicated and I also indicated it was beyond the philosophy of the class.

I would prefer the class remain healthy even if my currently chosen car effectively "ages out."

Kirk, I don't envy the job that the ITAC performs. Someone has to do it, it is appreciated (even though you may not hear it very often), and necessary for the health of the club. You won't hear any complaints from me even if told to go run production.
I don't have to agree with everything ITAC does but I have to respect the honest efforts to make informed, equitable decisions, for the good of the club.

For that I say thanks to all of you, not just Kirk!