Fun weekend - melted my brakes down to the metal and had to pull off. The closing speeds on slower cars is scary. I came up on at GT3 car with an extra 50 mph closing speed and he popped out to try and pass a car - never saw me. I didn't think my car would stop and I was going to punt the guy a mile. Just bary slowed up. Wisely tapped the brakes with my left foot down the back straight - nothing. Motored around for one more lap and they never came back.

Went to the paddock and gave a look see. Piston was pushed out too far because the only thing left of the pad was some scraps glued to metal backing. Good thing stock car parts are cheap :-)

Picked up my best time of 1:38 - top speeds over 160 mph.

Best race of the day was a tie between the HRG Mustangs and the ITR cars of Dan Jones and Dave Maynard. I think Dave may have been quicker but Dan drove a solid line and held him at bay. Clean racing from what we could see - great patience on the part of Dave for not trying any "tap & go" games that appear to be standard fare for the SM Miata folks.