Ladies and Gentlemen,boys and girls,lets all step right up and applaud CFR on reinstating the May enduro as an ECR,arguably the best and most prestigious amateur enduro series ever conceived, at the legendary crucible of speed that is Daytona.
That being said, and thrilling that it is so, the schedule that the race board has arrived at is, well.....ludicrous.
The ECR run groups,by far the largest,and mostly supported by travelling teams,are to be subjected to a schedule that has us qualifying as the roosters crow on Saturday morning(one session only), and racing as the thunder rolls on Sunday afternoon,groups last,and next to last,thank you very much.
It is somewhat amusing that, knowing the weather patterns in Central Florida during the summer months, the race board would choose to schedule the largest,and longest running (and,admittedly most troublesome to t&s) run group during the time of day when weather could most disrupt the proceedings.
I believe that I speak for the majority of us when I respectfully request that the race board revisits and revamps the ECR schedule( a la 1999,2000,2006,etc) in the interest that we don't have to be subjected to a race result that may be weather tainted.

Just my 2 pesos worth.

David Leira