As it stands right now, there has been no 'sharpening of any pencils'. If someone writes in and asks for a re-evaluation, here is a real-world example of what to expect:

Porshe 924 in ITB. 2600lbs currently. Process weight with subjective adders is 2495. Because this is more than 100lbs outside the current weight, it gets corrected. If it was 75lbs, it would have stayed put at 2600.

Now, the philisophical question comes into play. If it was 75lbs, and we did the work, do we reset the weight? Currently we do not. Couple reasons why.

First, if we did, we would get a flood of letters in asking for an evaluation. This stuff just can't get done expeditiously. If you knew how much time we spend on each car, you would be shocked. It's about sorting out 7 or 8 different opinions and coming to a consensus.

Second, the difference in driver ability, prep level, chassis dynamic, tire choice, etc, etc, etc. is so great that we think there is obviously some room for error here. What is that 'figure', currently +/- 100 lbs. I am sure the +/- 50lbs is a simple 'loss in translation'.

Is 100lbs right? Heck, I would love to have every car right on the 'process' but if you knew how much effort is put into each car (I am sure Kirk laughs at the debates) it would take us prohibitively long to do so. It would be MUCH easier to use Jake's (racerjake) spreadsheet to tighten up the value than it would be to run everyone.

The question for ya'll is what is the number (or percentage) that is reasonable to 'err' with given what we are. And understanding what we 'are' is key.