Per the April Fastrack the following item will be forwarded to the BoD for approval for Improved Touring & Spec Miata along with other classes.

"Steering wheel lock devices shall be removed or disabled."

Was this rule a crock of $hit from day one or is the rule now being turned into a crock of $hit? A disabled steering wheel lock leaves LOTS of room for personel decisions/interperatrion of what disabled means.

My thought is that the rule was in place so that if there was a steering wheel lock failure the steering wheel lock/lug would not be in place (removed) so that the steering wheel lock/lug could NEVER enter the lug receiver hole in the steering wheel shaft causing a condition where the driver could not steer/control the race car.

My letter including a picture of the ignition switch showing the steering lock before removal & a picture showing ignition switch after steering lock removal has been idle with a letter in my drafts folder. The letter has been written since the editor of SportaCar decided to print my letter to him in the April 08 SportsCar Rant & Revs with reference to his Project Miata article in the March 08 SportCar which included words & a picture of how to defeat the steering lock. It is now time to send the letter to the Sports Car editor, Jermey Thoennes & the CRB. Needless to say that I believe from day one there is a very good reason to remove the steering lock.

Please post your personal thoughts as to why the rule has been in place for a long time...........