Folks, following is a letter that I am about to send to my CenDiv BoD member and to the CRB. Please comment on this change/addition/my letter to the existing GCR rule 9.3.40. Seats.

SCCA CenDiv Board of Director member Bob Lybarger & the Competition Racing Board members:

Following is a rule change which shows up in the 2008 General Competition Rules which has zero effect towards protecting the driver and stopping the Drivers head from hitting the underside of the main hoop of the roll cage per the rule GCR 9.3.40. Seats head rest specifications. As a reminder to those who may forget, the safety seats, roll cage & other safety apparatus are implemented for protection of the driver. A basic roll cage will have five (5) planes which surround the driver. We should no more have a driver sitting under or behind the main hoop than we should have a driver sitting under or outside the side hoop. Also had we keep the main hoop diagonal attached at each end to the main hoop traveling from the upper left main hoop (drivers side) to the lower right main hoop (passengers side) providing maximum driver protection I wouldn't be writing this letter because the driver couldn't site under or behind the main hoop.

The rule is:

GCR 9.3.40. Seats (second paragraph)

A system of head rest to prevent whiplash and rebound, and also to prevent the driver's head from striking the underside of the main hoop shall be installed on all vehicles. Racing seats with integral headrests satisfy this requirement. Underline emphasis is mine.

Please explain in detail how a "racing seats with integral headrest" will stop the drivers head from striking the underside of the main hoop when people are allowed to install "racing seats with integral headrest" where the headrest is six (6) inches and further behind the trailing edge of the main hoop. If the CRB is not successful using the existing written rules within the GCR to answer my question as stated above please rewrite rule GCR 9.3.40. so that the drivers head will not hit the underside of the main hoop. Keep in mind that it's all about driver protection.

Thank you
David Dewhurst
SCCA #250772