...And what's wrong with a call to arms? I've even called it that myself. There are an AWFUL lot of people that will whine and complain about something from behind a bulletin board without lifting a finger in the real world to help fix the perceived problem. Now is a chance to affect some change, if you feel it's warranted. Is that bad?[/b]
If you are speaking as Tim Buck, SCCA member number XXXXXX, I have absolutely NO qualms with that. If you are speaking as a representative employee of Mazda, I have to say that I think it's a different thing.

Look - I completely agree that based on the facts (again, as I know them), Mazda has a legitimate beef. However, using your past support for a group of members as motivation to get them to lobby for a change in the upper echelons of the club - that's CLUB - is a problematic way to tackle what is a fair grievance. Have high-level meetings, sit down with the marketing department, and explain to whoever manages contingency programs that you feel like you've been slighted, and work out a solution.

NOBODY has to explain to me how SCCA (including it's "pro" arm and Enterprises) have bungled business opportunities and agreements. Most people here haven't heard my personal story of how an investor and I got dinked out of a Sports Renault CSR deal, after it was theoretically signed and sealed. The money guy left the deal making pointed comments about "amateur hour" and how he might go racing but he'd never enter into any racing business linked to the Club.

But that's not my point, which I think I've made reasonably clear. I do hope it works out but there are a lot of members who race other kinds of cars who might be ambivalent about mistreatment of a brand that many perceive to have actually gotten a pretty good shake over the years.