Looking over the 2008 SEDIV schedule, I noticed that the number of ECRs is down substantially from this year - only six races on four weekends, compared to 10 in 9 this year. I also noticed that Atlanta Region has dropped its ECRs, and instead has plain old "enduros" at every event (7 [!] total). Same with CFla, which has no ECRs, but two "CFla enduros". And there are still 4 FES races as well. (And the usual CCPS races, if you want to count them as mini-enduros.)

What's going on? ECR has had a long history and this would seem like a step toward killing it off. I haven't run ECRs for 2 or 3 years, but I ran many in the past and I always thought that it was a good series for the division to support. Are the fields down substantially? I know there have been some concerns in the past about the ECR rules limiting flexibility in race scheduling, but that hasn't held anyone back before now. So, what's the thinking behind these changes?

Are the Atl and CFla enduros still going to be 1.5 hours? Is there going to be a separate series championship for these enduros - particularly Atlanta's, since they now have more races thnan ECR?

Butch (or anyone else who might know) - what's up?

Tom Lyttle