Day three has brought some great stuff!

One comment regarding the "Aging out" concept. If the basic premise of IT is to provide low cost racing, it would fly in the face of that premise to arbitrarily tell people that they must throw away their, for example, 2nd place ARRC finishing 1973 Datsun buy the first place winning 1996 BMW E36......

I suggest the trouble Prod got into was that they changed the entire foundational rules package in attempts to molify owners of older cars that could no longer compete due to the inability of the old parts to survive the stresses of racing, or the parts sources dried up.

In any case, I can assure you as an ITAC member, I have learned from the mistakes of the past (And yes, I know many will argue that they weren't mistakes, LOL) and our basic foundational ruleset won't be modified to allow alternate billet cranks to keep older cars on life support. It's one thing to make rules changes to mold the category to the needs of the current/future cars and racers, but quite another to go backwards. In other words, I favor the "natural death" method, and I won't sponsor or back any "life support" rules.