I know with the SIC many of you will be at Roebling. For those looking for an event this month you may want to consider a SeDiv Hillclimb Full details at www.crowmountainhillclimb.org

Here is a photo of a friend and a Great driver and his RX7 during the first Crow Mountain Hillclimb in '04

The write up concerning this picture:

"Eden caught this picture at station 9 the 1st year of CMHC. Tom has about gathered it back up here, the ditch his front tire is on the edge of is about 4 1/2 feet deep, the side we are on is about 8 ft tall. Tom came into our sight sideways on the other side of the road, crossed to our side with the rear hung out big time. If you look close you will see the front tire is still turned a little and the rear is still hung out. I'm not sure if he ever got off the gas! Great save Tom."

Here is the picture:

Enjoy and hope to see you there.
