I'm wondering what mechanical attributes of the car (or either version of the car) make it inherently uncompetitive against the Acura, CRX, et al. I'm taking it on faith that there ARE such issues behind any suggestion that the Neon should be moved to B.

(Actually I don't buy that there IS anything keeping it from the winner's circle, other than the fact that nobody's pushed it all the way to its limit. It's kind of a rhetorical question.)

The major issues with the Neon are directly related to handling. It has a poor suspension geometry with a very long wheel base. It has one of the longest wheel bases in ITA and it's FWD. That coupled with most of it's weight over the front axle lends the car to not wanting to rotate. Can it compete? Yes, it just gets eaten alive in the twisties by the CRX and Acura. Longer, HP like tracks the differential isn't as great.