4. "Reasonable people" ? Ha. You can't explain your claim here, either. Explain me this: What has SM Nat'l racing done to SM Regional fields ? How does a strong Nat'l program affect a Region that only hosts Regional races ?
seriously? you really don't get this do you? are national classes not eligible to run regional races? has no one ever attended a national race, or watched the runoffs on tv, thought it looked fun, but ended up building an IT car? are there no 'national' drivers who enter regionals just for the fun of it? has no IT driver ever wanted to go to the runoffs so he converts/buys a prod car? has SM not fed into ITA? has SM/SRF not brought in loads of new drivers that wouldn't be racing otherwise? both regional and national guys pay their membership dues right?

there's no reason to even waste my time with someone that can't understand this and see the big picture.

Dave -

the only purpose of bringing this up is to make people aware of the situation. i'm not trying to lead a crusade or anything, everyone can make up their own mind.