You sure that car in the weeds isn't a TR7?

Let me ask a sort of overall question that might relate to both the ECU issue and the Fiero....

Are we better off with:

1. A rigid, inflexible rule set that does not change (and therefore avoids dangerous creep) but that gets outdated and becomes obsolescent over time, killing the class?


2. A flexible rule set that has the ability for too much change, which pisses off competitors, causes cost increasing creep, and ultimately kills off the class or causes it to morph into something completely different from where we started?

Not taking any sides here, just interested in the thoughts. I tend to think that history of racing has shown that ALL classes go either route 1 or route 2 and die, to be followed by the birth of something new to replace it. Meaning that despite which side of the ECU fence you are one, both courses of action will ultimately kill IT.