Welll OK guys if we're going to make this personal:

Jeff, you didn't "leave just enough room" for anything, especially my Fiesta. You guys could have held hands going down the front straight. The only way I got any room was to do a little bump drafting on your buddy and a little bumper rubbing on your "borrowed" car. (If people are going to team up out there, one must take extra-measures to defend himself.) And guess what, when you move your car to keep someone from going by, you are BLOCKING and BLOCKING is not gentlemanly behavior.

As far as my lap times, I believe the race times might indicate that occasionally I can get around a corner; at least I don't remember seeing you again after lap one.

And Spanky most Germans right before WWII thought Nazism was OK too: sometimes the majority doesn't get it right; they just get it.

See you guys in August.