I was in a race at Nelson about 6 or 7 years ago where our group had a similar melee--but with roof to roof contact and 5 cars involved. It was at the start of the race.

I hope everyone had a good time at NL because it is the fastest 2 mile track around and while it has had a bad rep in the past--mostly having to do with paddock infrastructure--the track itself is rather forgiving and the tire "walls" (actually "piles") dissipate a tremendous amount of impact energy if you hit them.

i think you mean the fastest "1.8" mile track. no way it's 2miles around. both my odometer and my hot lap on foot show otherwise....

was it 2miles in some older configuration and they have never updated the advertised length?

the track is fun to drive. might be more fun if it would repaved. dang that thing was bumpy!

anyone else get incar lap times that differed from t&s laptimes? myself and several others i spoke with were all getting incar times .3-.7 sec faster than t&s was posting. usually my timer is within a hundredth or so of t&s at other tracks.