yo dj,
if yer holding your breath, you will be dead before anything is finalized. marshall
ps - order some dang rain tires and git yur butt down to summit thursday night! [/b]
You may be right on this Marshall.

This is one of those deals where some think the "right way" is clear as day, others think it's clear as mud, LOL.

We ARE getting GREAT input...probably the best by far that I've seen since I've been on the ITAC, but the CRB isn't going to make such a large sweeping change without being very certain of the facts etc. and they feel time is needed to do so, as does the ITAC.

One thing seems to be working in the ITACs favor is the relative current success that IT seems t be enjoying from early race reports. We have reports of full fields, lots of diversity, and some cars thought to have been relegated to also ran status are poking their heads out, so whatever changes that have been made seem to be working. That will give the CRB and the BoD some confidence in listening to what the ITAC proposes when the time comes.

But remember, the ITAC makes the proposal and does the research, hands that over to the CRB with an opinion, the CRB goes to the BoD with a recommendation and the BoD makes the actual call.

So...if you know a CRB member, or a BoD guy, bend their ear at the next race!

You guys know what's going on with this. We don't, unless someone informs us.