Be sure to take a look at the "Twilight" Enduro at Pocono as part of the Joe DeLuca and Linda Gronlund Freedom Races Weekend hosted by NNJR on May 12th. This race will be 2.5 Hours and is scheduled to go green at 6:30 PM. Temporary Lights will be used for Turn 1 (the entry to the in-field), Devils Elbow, the Chicane (if we use it), NASCAR 1 and Pit Lane. We also have a very nice $$$ Prize set up if 50 or more cars start the race (check out the Supps on the NESCCA Site - Item #5 in the Enduro Supps). We'll also be running a separate Enduro Qualifying session on Saturday afternoon so the start will be a little more "Orderly". This ought to be a lot of fun - and the schedule provides a great way to tune up with some after dark racing if you're planning any of the big 12 Hour, 13 Hour or 24 Hour races coming up later in the year. If you have any questions, I'm the Race Chair for the event - please give me a call or drop me an email. Dave Hofmann - 609.978.1870. So far only 4 teams have registered. Let's get a bunch of cars and have a great time - Big post race party in the garage too.