I'm in the NC region. I've been following this stuff over the last year or so.

I am not in NC region leadership. I have a couple of racer friends who are, but I don't pretend to know anything about how our region works.

I will say that I have NEVER heard anyone in teh NC Region propose that any other region in the SEDiv be limited in the number of races they can/can't run.

I have heard of the proposal the CFR folks wrote about in their newsletter. I have also seen a lengthy explanation from Butch about it some months ago essentially saying that it was simply that, a proposal that was discussed and not adopted. Butch is that still the case?

While I don't like the way Matt presents his message, if it is true that some regions are trying to limit racing in the CFR, well then, I have to say that is wrong and Matt has a point. However, if (as I believe) taht is not the case, then I hope good sense will prevail, we'll all settle down and continue on as we have for the last 4 years (the amount of time I've been racing).

I went to Daytona last year and found nothing but hospitable folks. I really enjoy it when guys from Florida make it to Roebling, CMP or VIR. I really hope that continues.