*** It insures track time in my corner of the world - Regional Races get cancelled not National races in MiDiv.***

This post is not aimed at Scott BUT maybe it's time for Regional IT racers to quit supporting the National races. I read that more & more of this IT racers supporting National races across the U.S. If Regions started loosing money maybe the Regions & the CRB will start listening a little bit to the Regional customers. Hence making the transission/classing from IT to Production more seamless. Moving back to IT from Production would not be seamless nor should it be IMHJ.

The only race that I know of in CenDiv area 4 that invites IT Regional racers to a National was the Cat National at Road America. Once the Spec Miata came along the Region said adios to the IT classes & started inviting the Regional Spec Miata to the Cat National & now there is no Regional cars at the Cat National IIRC.

Have Fun