I'm troubled by two aspects of the latest development:

-The links are even further away from being, as Kirk mentioned, purely torque control devices, and...

-his demand that either all the Watts, panhard and traction bar allownaces be stricken, OR all these "developments" that benefit the FWD cars be allowed.

I feel that that mindset fails to understand that cars are classed based on the rules and the allowances within.

Such a change in the rules is not going to be appropriate.

Again, I worry about the results of protests against such devices. I am not sure which way a protest commitee would go on it, and the fact that the same protest could have completely different results in another region, and yet another at the appeals level...and then yet even ANOTHER result at the same appeals level but a year or two later ......disturbs me, and is, to me, the bigger issue.