Hi Everyone,

A very productive meeting indeed. The Cincinnati Race Committee has put the I.T. Festival on the front burner for the Board Meeting set for January 19th. I can tell you we discussed several formats with much input from Butch Kummer with the ARRC being the hot topic. Butch and I have had a few lengthy e-mail discussions about class alignment and such. We are one step closer to bringing this thing to reality. The input has been reassuring. Couple of questions:

1. Pro straight start instead of pit straight?

2. Multiple sprint races with individual race winners? Or overall champs in each class after multiple races?
or a little of both?

3. Teardowns for race winners? Or just inspections with TEETH?

Keep us circled on the calendar! Aug. 10th-12th 2007,

Todd Cholmondeley
Cincinnati Race Chairman


1- Pro straight...I assume you mean starts.
2- I like Stephen Blethens idea, so I guess my answer is a little of both. A small trophy to the individual race finishers, of course!
3- I am very impressed that you mentioned this! I can't remember it being on anyones list...but hey, bring it on! But ONLY if you can get the manpower and the procedures to do it correctly. (And here's a thought, why not do a "wildcard" teardown? In other words, announce early on that of the top X% cars from each class, the 1st (and as many as you feel you want to, or have the manpower for) will automatically have it's head remeoved, and another X will be chosen either at the scrutineers discretion or at random, or not at all. The idea here is to keep things a little mysterious. I think the ARRC teardowns are GREAT...and I love the fact that they do them, and the actual teardowns, while certainly a nervous time for some, are actually pretty friendly. But, they are predictable. I wonder if that predictability can foster a method of getting around them. So feel free to shake it up a bit!
4- Not mentioned, but NO chicane! Better racing without it. Theres plenty of technical corners at Mid Ohio, no need to add another.