scott -

it's a good idea, but i'm not sure it would solve the problem. I think then you'd have everyone fighting over the national race weekends, and nobody would want to host the regional only events. i know we don't like the idea that we're "second class," but i'm pretty sure the school/regional/pdx weekends are money losers. remember topeka last year?

yes, i'm with you 100% on how poorly the dates are arranged though. there are forces working beneath the surface that have influenced this though.

I feel like less of a "second class citizen" at a Double Regional that provides lots of competition, decent track time and no chance that my regional run group will be cancelled if National races run long or get delayed (this has happened).

Here is the concept - having fewer Regional races will make the ones that are held more profitable.

With respect to scheduling, giving the regions a choice between two different event types means that they can schedule events in ways that help ensure good participation for every event that they put on. The fact is that organizations like KVRG are willing to put on known money losing events on the HOPE that two big National weekends will bail them out. To my thinking this is a bad busness policy and and a member of the KC region I don't like my money wasted or wagered in this way. And be very clear on this....when the National Races fail to make a year profitable which races will groups like KVRG and MVRG cut? The Regional races.

From an IT racers perspective is there not much difference between a Regional/National that offers a Restricted Regional on Sunday and a Double Regional. If you seperate Regional and National races you creare a distinction that makes it clear where an IT racer is going to go with his car. It should make IT racing better and that is important to all of us.

The alternative is to elminate Regional Only classes and give everyone that races, pays dues, builds a car, and buys tires the same chance in this club. Oh, and I know you don't like this idea so you don't have to comment.