Who needs brakes - I AM BANZAI BEN!

What's the chance that weight comes off when a bunch of these car show up and get whipped? [/b]
NONE. The only PCA that would happen would be if one of these cars (in ITR) proved to put out significantly higher or lower power that the 'process' predicted for it. If a significant amount of evidence was provided to the CRB that was easily validated, consideration for a weight change could happen. It would be an 'error' on the ITAC's part that would be corrected in the interest of class equity. On-track performance would be considered for trending and data support but in no way would be used as the primary reason for a PCA. This is IT...we will not try and balance each car on the head of a pin. We want to correct large errors in the name of fairness but what we have is an educated guessing game...and it won't get much better than that in IT.

The fact nobody can pick a clear car to have is proof to me that, on paper, these cars can race well together.