But that's the point!

The people at the top end of the grid will not be affected because the have, or are willing to spend what it takes. God bless them, but this isn't about them. It's about the average joe club racer who will get priced out of regional competition. See James letter from above for examples. These $4000 or $5000 Prod or IT cars are todays prices. When the National "spending wars" start, those prices will escalate accordingly.
Again, for those who seek National recognition, your avenue is Production. While I see the "moving target" argument has some validity, it is not as bad as some would have you believe. Most of those people are digruntled racers who believe that it's the system, and it couldn't possibly be that someone built something better or faster, or God forbid, someone just flat outdrove them.

Thank you Matt, and James for posting better examples of what I was trying to point out.
