I started a new thread cause I need more help. Things were going pretty good. Mainly just had to disconnect hoses and wiring connectors to be able to remove the manifold. The only gotcha was when I moved the power steering pump out of the way to reach the bolt on the bottom side of the manifold. Turns out my adjuster pulley has no adjuster on it so I had to disconnect the entire bracket to loosen the belt (Anybody else have no adjuster?).

Things went bad when I tried to remove the manifold. All the bolts were out except the one that I had broken the head off of. I was going to just try and pull the manifold off the bolt so I didn't have to drill it. Even with all the bolts removed the manifold would not separate from the head. I wiggled it while pulling, but nothing. Then I noticed that the upper left corner of the manifold had a crack in it. Turned out it wasn't just a crack, but that a chunck of the left corner of the manifold was broken off (more on that in a sec). I wiggled some more and was eventually able to get the manifold to loosen from the head, but it wouldn't come off the broken bolt. So I had to drill it, which involved removing the throttle body to get the drill in there, and use a bolt remover.

It turns out that there was no gasket between the manifold and the head. Looks like just a layer of gray RTV was used and not much of a layer at that. This is why the manifold wouldn't separate from the head - the RTV was holding it on. I don't know what caused the corner piece to break off the manifold, but I'm suspecting it was a combination of using a bolt instead of the factory stud on the corner hole and the bracket underneath not being bolted on. Here's some pics of the manifold and the piece that broke off.


Here's where I need some advice. The break is clean and it appears that I could use JB weld to put the piece back on. I'm not sure if that's a good idea though. The piece that broke off has one of the holes in it to hold the manifold on to the head and it also contains the seat for the #4 injector. Theoretically JB weld could work, but will it hold?

I have a spare lower part of the manifold, but it's in need of some work. It needs to be cleaned up and then it needs some ports plugged to match the one I pulled off the car. The one on the car had 3 or 4 ports plugged that used to be water outlets or other things. Here's a pic of the two lower pieces together and you can see the one on top has the hole plugged. I guess this was for the EGR valve or some such.


So my next question is what machince shops in Atlanta could do the necessary work on the extra lower piece? It doesn't look like difficut work, but I don't want to just take it to Joe's machine shop around the corner.

As an added extra bonus I removed the top piece of the manifold from the lower piece. No gasket there either. I guess Bob (or whoever put Bob's motor together) didn't want to spend the $15 on gaskets or he didn't know where the local Nissan dealer was located. The car has lots of go fast parts, but it's the simple things that are killing me.

As usual, thanks for any input.
