If I made a mistake, then I was wrong, however, I am recounting what I remember and what other drivers told me. Andy Fox was right behind me and he remembers seeing me slowing down and # 3 passed him and hit me - under double yellow. I remember everyone slowing down, to my right was mahem, so I went left and low and tried to remain low when I was hit, however, I do remember the yellow and was not trying to pass. If someone has a video I would like to see it because again if I was wrong, I need to know to make sure I don't do it again. I too was going to file a protest, however, hesitated because we all race together and I knew it was not intentional, just racing. If I was wrong, then my apologizes to you and I'll assure all that will not happen again. It definately was mahem at that time and nothing intentional.
