I suspect the only "answer" to this issue is a boycott of sorts.

I have written an email to the BoD - copying Thoennes, the CRB, and SCCA's Club Racing director - letting them know that if they pass this rule as written I will continue racing, but with no HNR at all versus my current Wayne State University Bioengineering Center-tested - but not yet SFI-approved - HNR. I also forwarded this email to SCCA's President and CEO, Jim Julow, and SCCA's Risk Manager/Legal Counsel Pete Lyon.

If this act - coupled to Kirk's idea of MAKING them make you remove it, then appealing all the way to the Appeals Court and getting it on the written record that they forced me to remove it - doesn't make the lawyers shivver, then truly nothing will.

Hear ye, hear ye: I will be appearing at the ARRC Runoffs in November wearing my Wayne State University Bioengineering Center-tested Wright Device (http://www.over40racing.com). I will attempt to wear it to every session at that event. If I am forced to remove it before being allowed on the track I will protest. If I lose the protest I will appeal to Topeka. It will be on the record.

If this happens, the SCCA - seriously - better pray to their gods of choice that nothing happens to me, for I will be leaving a notarized and witnessed letter of my desires and intentions with my wife as to how to proceed.

If this is the legal game we have to play, then let's run with it. - GA