So I've got this ITE 1990 300ZX 2+2 with a blown turbo motor parked in the garage, and I'm trying to figure out what to do for next year...

ITR looks great, converting back to an NA wouldn't be that hard, and heck I could sell a bunch of turbo and suspension parts and be money ahead for next season. However, I've been hit by the technicality of my car being a 2+2 before when trying to run in SFR's ITX class, so I'm very leery about actually moving forward with prep for ITR until the real official 300ZX line text is published. But of course by the time that happens it'll really be too late...

Can anybody shed some light on this subject? Will there be wheel bases specified in the ITR lines? If so, how can I make sure a 2+2 spec line gets in there so I'm not out in the cold come 2007? Thanks everybody.
