Couple more things to consider:

1. The split of the Z3's. Look to the weights of the 328/330 for an idea. Should be a no-brianer.

2. Celica GTS. 2380 in ITR. Curb weight of 2500 lbs. Or should it be 2750 in ITS? It was a tweener and leaked in. I think it is better as an ITR car...

3. Looks like they are considering the 'entry' level V8's...they may or may not get in I think.

4. RX-8. All accounts are that this engine is WAY maximized. Betting it hots a second wave around S2000 weight.

5. What else should be in a second wave proposal?

6. Edit - Add Dodge Stealth to Mitsu 3000GT listing...