Looking for a little help from my fellow 1st Gen racers. My GSLSE(#5 white/blue graphics, Kryder Racing on the hood, formerly owned by Dave Deen) has the SDJ adjustable watts link. It is the older version(was installed on the car back in the '90's). Anyway, pulled it out of the trailer where it's been all winter and in to the shop, put it up on the lift and discovered the adjustable bracket that welds to axle is busted apart. It seems that there was some unusual torsion on it that caused the bolt and nut (that slides inside the adjustable bracket) to twist and break the bracket. The bracket broke once before but was a clean break and I had a guy drop the axle and reweld it. That was 2 years ago. Since then it has run probably 12 events at Waterford plus a couple at Gingerman and Grattan. The first time I ran it after that repair was at Gingerman where it seemed a little loose. I inspected the way it was put back together and it didn't look right so I changed it. Since then it seemed to react as it did before, glued to the track. Believe it or not it is still fairly competetive, at least at Waterford, which is in my backyard. I think Stan is out of business. I guess what I'm looking for is if anyone knows where I can find this part or if it can be machined? Also, if anyone has any old instructions laying around for installation or has one on their car they can take a picture of for me. I don't want to change to a tri-link or panhard yet, the car's been so good to me. Thanks