I've heard of this guy thats getting 195 rwhp in his gen II RX7 and I am sure its possible to get 200, anything is possible if you throw enough cash at it....... [/b]
What the heck are you guys smoking? So you're sure it's possible to get 200 HP from an IT trim RX-7. I can tell you that most of the RX-7's in my neck of the woods are in the 160's and many are lower than that (unfortunately including mine). Probably the same prep level as your 195 HP bimmers.
If I go out and spend, say 100-200 grand on a RX 7 engine and get 10 more hp than any other documented RX7 will the CRB use that as the RX7's "gold standard". [/b]
I would think so, if it's documented to be legal.

You guys crack me up.[/b]
Evidently you have no idea how ridiculous that sounds.
Circle the wagons at ALL costs.......but avoid answering Fred's reasonable questions about the RX-7 at ALL costs, too. [/b]
Fred's comments were anything but reasonable.
LOL at the incredible irony. And ya wonder why the perception in the BMW community of bias, favoritism, and conflicts of interest haven't gone away despite the "all my friends say I am honest so I must be" testimonials? [/b]
I'm pretty sure you don't represent the BMW community.

Not that it matters, but if the class bogey is about 15 lbs/HP, how could 10 lbs be worth 1 HP? Did I miss something in 5th grade?